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Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Daily 1-- "PONDER"


 Have you ever stopped and 'pondered' that word? It is a word we don't use very often anymore. But it is a word that is rich with meaning. The dictionary says it means to think carefully about something before making a decision. But I like the old meaning which says to appraise, judge the worth of; weigh, reflect on.
Thats what Mary did when the angel of the Lord announced that she was going to give birth to Messiah. She treasured. She pondered the wonder.

And thats what I want to do that this month. This season. To ponder. Rest and relax. To take time to do what is important, and let go of the expectations, the hurt, the things I don't understand. And give in to the wonder that is Christ in me, the Hope of Glory.

My favorite book of the Bible right now is Colossians. It has been since I discovered so much of myself in the pages there. It has been such a comfort and reminder to me since this season of life began for me. And last year God planted the idea to do a "December Daily" from the book of Colossians. So what began last year as a seed will hopefully come to full bloom this year. There is so much richness in these 4 short chapters and my hope is to remind myself daily of these truths and perhaps encourage you too.

Many scrapbookers do what is known in their world as a "December Daily", where they take a snapshot of their life on that day, whatever they are doing and make a scrapbook page that reflects that. Or they take a memory or a tradition and each day throughout December and journal about it. 

So I want to take that idea, and spin it for our spirits. Each day I want to take a word, put feet on it, and walk it around in our hearts and minds for that day. We will do that for 7 days, then repeat. And take it deeper each week. And today we will ponder.

Colossians 1:1-2 says: 
Paul, and apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, 
To the holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colosse:
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, most of the time, we just gloss over this part, so we can get to the meat of this book. But this jumped out at me the last couple of times I read it. So I pondered it.

Read it again.

Paul was sent to them, by the will of God. 
Who did God send to you?
Since you are reading this, I know He sent you to me.
Ponder that for a minute.
Our meeting was not by chance. God, in his wisdom knew I needed you in my life. 
And you needed me.

And thats not all.
He considered them holy and faithful. And that only happens by the blood of Christ. And we share in that truth. By Christs blood, we are already Holy and Faithful. 

But there is still more.

Grace and peace to YOU from God OUR Father AND the Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace.
Ponder those two words for a moment.
Are you living there?
It is extended to us, but are we really drinking from the fountain of His grace and letting His Peace wash away the grime of the world and wash over our souls?
I really have a hard time living in His Peace.
But to live there, I have to drink deep from the fountain of His glorious grace.
What a privilege that He
Has invited me
to participate in grace.
Ponder that for a moment. Or maybe all day. Put some feet on that and let it prance around inside.
Lets live there a while. 
Pondering the wonder of His Grace and Peace, dwelling in us in the form of His son, who brings to us the only gifts we really need this season. And we have the privilege of passing those gifts on to others he brings into our path. To make Him known by our honor of His name. By participating in 
His Grace and Peace.

How lovely is your dwelling place,
O LORD Almighty!
My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD'
my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself, where where she may save her young - 
a place near your altar.
Blessed are theose whose strength is in you, 
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. 

Ponder. Let it fill your heart with awe and wonder.
And share His grace and peace with someone who needs to ponder, too.

Forever His,

PS. And if you do it without telling them why you are extending grace and peace to them,
 it will really make them ponder!

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